Project Details
- Client: The Law Office of Nancy E. Lusk
- Tasks: Create new website; mobile responsive; Word Press installation; forms upload; password protected pages.
- Website:
Inside the Project
Attorney Nancy E. Lusk previously had a static, non-functional website that was not mobile responsive. Instead of a simple re-design, she opted for a brand new website that is easy to manage, looks appealing, provides valuable content to clients, and makes it easy for potential clients to contact her law office.
Word Press was installed; research was conducted to create the content the attorney requested; phone numbers are clickable and responsive as are the email addresses; contact forms makes it simple for potential clients to complete and request information from the office. A separate password protected page allows for forms to be uploaded, to be viewed only by current clients. The design is clean, appealing, and simple for clients to find what they need in no time.